Je ne sais pas si vous êtes superstitieux, mais en tout cas les dates palindromes sont très rares ! la répétition : 110 110 110. There are 12 eight-digit palindromes in the 21st century and today it is one. And if you overslept, you have to wait a good year: 02/22/2022 is Palindrome Day again. Dr. Aziz Inan, an electrical engineering professor at the University of Portland, Oregon, has been studying palindrome dates for more than a decade, and says this year is special because it contains a total of 22 palindrome dates: One is a four-digit palindrome – which occurred on 1-2-21; In Europe, this milestone has already passed, because folks there prefer to format dates starting with the day. Today's date is 12/02/2021 and therefore, it is palindrome date of 2021. In language, in math, and…in science! The next such palindrome will come next year on 22/02/2022 Palindrome (reverse) The results table highlights the dates that are most interesting and easiest to read in green. Palindrome means that regardless of the side that reads the date, it turns out the same. 22022022 seem to be more attractive, simple and containing only two digits, 0 and 2 only. 21.02.2021 if you read it backwards it turns out the same. The next will come in 101 years on 12/12/2121 and … Voici les prochaines dates palindromes (qui se lisent dans un sens ou en sens inverse), avec le nombre de jours à attendre par rapport à la précédente. November 2, 2011 (11022011) 5. If you are looking for a good photo opportunity this time, you should watch out for another palindrome at a precise time: at 1:22:10 or 12:00:21. Palindrome means when you read forwards and backward, it is the same. People who use the short German date format DDMMYY will encounter another symmetry this year on 02.11.20 (2020-11-02 = November 2nd, 2020). After that, the gap is already more extensive, and the following one will come on February 3rd, 2030. In the German DDMMYYYY format there will be two such dates in the near future, one in 2021: 12.02.2021, and another one in 2022: 22.02.2022 (which is not palindromic in the ISO format). There are 12 Palindrome Days in the 21st century in the mm-dd-yyyy format. For Europeans, 11 December 2013 (11/12/13) was the last sequential date of the century. February 20, 2022 (2202022) March 20, 2023 (3202023) April 20, 2024 (4202024) May 20, 2025 (5202025) But, palindromes don’t just exist on the calendar, they’re everywhere around us. The type of pattern shows whether the date is a reversible date (palindrome) or repeatable date. – In Praise of Idleness. The year 2021 offers us a string of palindrome dates. Aujourd'hui 2 février 2020, nous sommes une date palindrome. The next palindrome will occur next year on 22/02/2022. Palindrome dates are the perfect time to introduce your students to the beauty of science in sequences all around us. Today contains the palindrome date of 2021. The previous palindrome date in all formats came 909 years ago on 11/11/1111. C'est à dire que l'écriture en français ou à l'américaine est réversible, comme dans un miroir: 02/02/2020 ou 2020/02/02. Future dates for palindrome or ambigram are expected on 22 February 2022 which will be 22022022 but will work for British date format where as US date format will not work as there is no 22nd month in any calendar.
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